Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fine Dinning Experience @ the Restaurant

Lucky me, all 4 rooms guest are having dinner at our restaurant. Schedule the dinning timing (with the guest) so that it is not too rush for the Chef and also not to keep our guests waiting. The earliest timing for tonight is 7pm.

At 6pm, Loreen & I start to prepare the restaurant for dinner: laying out of tables, setting up the plate, napkin, fork & spoon, filling up the jar with ice water (with lemon slice). Peter (Chef for dinner) on the other hand starts to prepare the required sauces, soup of the day (Lentil soup), and potatoes (new & roast). New potatoes are just potatoes cooked in water.

When the guest arrive, we ask them to take a seat in the lounge and serve them the menu. At the same time we ask if they would like to have a drink from the Bar (normally they do). After serving the drinks, we take their orders and pass it to the Chef. So while waiting for dinner, the guest can enjoy their drinks, chat & perhaps play a board game (will elaborate more in my coming post). When dinner is almost ready, we will lead the guest to their table (with awesome loch view). Dinner is then served. Constantly we check the progress (when they finish the starter or if they need another round of drinks) and keep the Chef updated.

Well what can I say. It was a good experience. Basically what we have here is "Fine Dining". So with fine dining, the dinners themselves are dressed appropriately (no shorts or T-shirt) and behaved in a well cultured manner. As for us we ensure that the ambience, the food, abd the service are excellent (good is not good enough); so that they will have a wonderful memoriable dinning experience @ the Restaurant.

The dinner session is finally over by 10.30pm, and it is clearing up time. Clearing up and preparing the restaurant for next day breakfast.

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